EO Perth Moderator Training


What would you give for the ability to tap into a group of 7-10 fellow business owners who can offer you guidance based on their experiences?

This invaluable access is available through Forum, a unique member-driven experience offered by EO that brings together an intimate group of entrepreneurs for peer-to-peer learning and support. 

Participants take part in monthly meetings employing special protocols to support a trusting environment in which they can safely explore business and personal growth issues.

A Forum for Everyone

A Forum is a judgment-free, confidential and safe environment for 6-10 Forum-trained members. A Forum must have a constitution and regularly scheduled meetings led by a trained moderator that include a structured agenda with 5% Reflections and Deep Dives.

Local Chapter Forum

Local Chapter Forum

Connect with fellow members in your local EO Chapter’s regular monthly Forum Meeting.

This is the core Forum experience for all members. It brings entrepreneurs together for member-to-member learning through confidential, Forum Mindset experience sharing.

Bridge Forum

Bridge Forum

A quarterly regional Forum offers you the opportunity for a broader perspective in peerto-peer sharing and social connection through a multi-day event with Forum meetings, networking and unique experiences.

Experience Forum

Experience Forum

Create or join a Forum based on your specific experiences, interests, life phase, industry type, time in EO or passion.

An Experience Forum is a forum that is focused on a specific topic, type of experience, interest, life phase, industry, EO tenure, passion, or any other specific focus.

Experience Forums are usually not tied to a single chapter and often consist of members from multiple chapters within a region, or even globally.

Experience Forums meet regularly on a schedule determined by each forum.

Training for Everyone

Entrepreneurs’ Organisation Forum

Forum Training Program (FTP)

Every member attends this mandatory course before joining a Forum. It covers the Forum fundamentals, how to maximize your Forum experience, and most importantly, the confidentiality expected among Forum-mates.

Forum Workshops

A collection of workshops each focused on improving the literacy of your Forum by digging deeper into all the aspects of the entrepreneurial journey.

Forum Next Level

EO Forum Next Level is a one-day, trailblazing workshop that builds upon the Forum Training Programme foundation. The first half of the day focuses on Forum core concepts, while the afternoon is a Forum experience with members not in your regular Forum.

Moderator Training Program(MTP)

An in-depth course preparing you to become a Forum leader and giving you the tools to facilitate a powerful Forum experience among your Forum-mates.

Moderator Workshop Series

 A regional, virtual year-long leadership development and skills support series for moderators. Two dedicated Forum facilitators take moderators on a journey through four live workshops, monthly videos and ongoing Forum upskilling.


A two-way learning experience in which mentees can quickly hurdle day-to-day challenges with experienced guidance, while mentors gain valuable practice cultivating strong leaders and strategic thinkers.

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